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Allium fitsulosum L. as a novel system to investigate mechanisms of freezing resistance.
Physiologia Plantarum 147: 101-111.
Kasuga J, Endoh K, Yoshiba M, Taido I, Arakawa K, Uemura M, Fujikawa S
Roles of cell walls and intracellular contents in supercooling capability
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Physiologia Plantarum 148: 25-35
Takahashi D, Kawamura Y and Uemura M (2013)
Detergent-resistant plasma membrane proteomes to elucidate microdomain functions in plant cells.
Fronteirs in Plant Science 4:27.
Takahashi D, Li B, Nakayama T, Kawamura Y, Uemura M (2013)
Plant plasma membrane proteomics for improving cold tolerance.
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Plant strategies for survival in changing environment.
Physiologia Plantarum 147: 1-3
Takahashi D, Li B, Nakayama T, Kawamura Y, Uemura M (2013)
Shotgun proteomics of plant plasma membrane and microdomain proteins using
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Kawamura Y, Uemura M (2013)
Plant low temperature tolerance and its cellular mechanisms.
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Tanino KK, Liu J, Kawamura Y, Kobayashi S, Borondics F, Uemura M (2013)
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